臣亮言:先帝创业未半而中道崩殂, Today, the empire has split into three parts and Yizhou is weak and worn. The situation is indeed critical and it is a time of danger and survival. Nonetheless, the inner court officials are unwavering in their duties while the loyal and conscientious men forget their own safety for the country. It is because they are following the example of the late Emperor and want to repay Your Majesty’s kindness. I pledge to report the truth and will not hesitate to give up my life.
今天下三分 Is divided into three now
益州疲弊 Is exhausted now
誓不以生死易报 I pledge to report the truth and will not hesitate to give up my life.
先帝曰:“承天之祐,以及诸葛亮之谋”,故冠军称孤,而摄政执国,以保东吴; The late Emperor said, \"I have been able to come this far only by the grace of God and with your (Zhuge Liang's) strategies. Hence, I have been called the lone champion and have taken control of the country in order to protect Dong Wu; 不失民心,以安社稷。 and have not lost the hearts of the people in order to stabilize the state.\"
今四方援交,盗贼公行 Troublemakers and robbers all around the land
而况才疏计拙 Talented and capable people are scarce
外无援助,内无储备 No help from the outside, no reserve on the inside
不保一日 What hope is there for tomorrow
故曰:“拜手于前,言谔于后,以先帝之明,鉴于事变,由余躬省,存亡之道,靡及于此。” Therefore, I beg you to listen to my advice and follow the example of the late Emperor. I have deemed the situation to be extremely grave, for it is a matter of life and death.